Some thirty regions already use Flowly to track and analyse movement flows with a view to adjusting the mobility offer. Attending to the need in a specific region, getting used to new sanitary constraints, restructuring part of, or the entire network, calibrating our offer, estimating fraud, increasing productivity… Flowly is able to meet all these objectives in record time.



Reunion Island


A swissknife software for network analysis and improvement

Testimony of David RITUPER, Director of the Citéa network in Valence, equipped with the Flowly solution since 2021.

A complete and advanced client analysis tool

To find out how the bus network is used (boarding, alighting, instantaneous loads, saturation rate, etc.), the operators and their AOM periodically carry out an origin-destination survey. Given its cost (170 K€ for our network) and the logistics to be implemented, this type of survey cannot be carried out regularly. With Flowly, it is as if we were carrying out Origin-Destination surveys every day of the year, including holidays and weekends. Thanks to this detailed knowledge of network usage provided by Flowly, supplemented by validation data per stop in our ticketing system, which allows us to adjust the data, we can propose and justify to our local authority adaptations to the network and respond to requests for modifications that municipalities may make. We are currently using the data from Flowly to identify the routes on our network that could be upgraded in the medium term to high service level bus routes.

Fraud analysis

By revealing the discrepancies between the validations recorded by the ticketing system and the boardings measured by Flowly, it allows us to identify the lines where fraud is the most important depending on the day and the time of day. Thus, we are able to target our control operations in an efficient way.


If you wish to have a demo of the solution, don’t hesitate to contact us:


+262 (0)692 64 63 56

