Some thirty regions already use Flowly to track and analyse movement flows with a view to adjusting the mobility offer. Attending to the need in a specific region, getting used to new sanitary constraints, restructuring part of, or the entire network, calibrating our offer, estimating fraud, increasing productivity… Flowly is able to meet all these objectives in record time.



Reunion Island


Cross-tabulate mobility data to efficiently restructure their network

Heading to Reunion Island where the organisation of bus routes is disrupted by significant delays, erratic trip duration and other route variables, hence upsetting the users. Flowly assessed the ridership of one intercity route. Outcome : a bus route divided into two, optimised travelling time and an increase in the number of travellers.

Deployment of Flowly

In October 2019, 10 buses of « Litto » – an interurban route – were equipped with Flowly sensors. 40,000 trips were analysed on this route, which connects L’Étang-Salé to Petite-Île.
Flowly showed that movements along this route (35 km and 75 stops) are mainly short and take place with the municipalities.


The creation of two distinct routes that overlap on a common path:
Étang-Salé/St Pierre et St Louis/Petite-Île.

The reorganisation does not disrupt the movements of regular clients. It focusses on services and satisfies the main flows.

Substantial delays, occuring before the reorganisation, have ceased.

The number of people using of public transport increased again at the beginning of 2020 !


If you wish to have a demo of the solution, don’t hesitate to contact us:


+262 (0)692 64 63 56

